Arctur Awards Supercomputing Time to Slovenian Researchers

2. 2. 2012 / Industry To commemorate the conclusion of another successful financial year and to celebrate our 20th anniversary, Arctur awarded 100,000 Euros in HPC services on their Arctur-1 supercomputer to selected Slovenian research groups.

To commemorate the conclusion of another successful financial year and to celebrate its 20th anniversary, Arctur prepared a call for proposals in which we awarded 100,000 Euros in high performance computing (HPC) services on our Arctur-1 supercomputer to selected Slovenian research groups. Along with our intent to return to society part of the funding received from European development funds, the purpose of the call was to stimulate the demand for HPC services and enable results that would advance knowledge and spawn new ideas, products and services. After evaluating the research groups that submitted their project proposals, five were chosen by the selection committee, and each awarded 100,000 core-hours of processing time on the Arctur-1 supercomputer.


Lead Organization Project Leader Project Title
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (University of Ljubljana) Dr. Gregor Skačej Molecular modeling of liquid crystal elastomers
Faculty of Environmental Sciences (University of Nova Gorica) Prof. Dr. Matjaž Valant Ab-initio large scale DFT simulation on the stability and coupling of different ferroic orders in perovskite BiVO3
EN-FIST Center of Excellence Doc. Dr. Janez Mavri Dynamics of hydrogen bonds in pharmacologically relevant systems
Institute of Chemistry Ljubljana Dr. Jernej Stare Quantum chemical and QM / MM molecular simulations of biological systems and electrolyte solutions
Faculty of Electrical Engineering (University of Ljubljana) Dr. Peter Kramar Models of molecular dynamics


In developed countries, the importance of HPC infrastructure in enabling and facilitating innovation, research and development is well understood. The last couple of years have even witnessed an expansion in the use of HPC from closed scientific communities into broader everyday use. In the words of Tomi Iliaš, the director of Arctur, “Today, we are surrounded by things that are the result of complex simulations on supercomputers. Organizations must use them whether they are developing wind turbines or a hybrid car, creating artificial veins, forecasting the weather or designing a new golf club.” Unfortunately, Slovenia trails behind most developed countries in the use of HPC, which is why we have made it our mission to use their years of experience to stimulate demand for and help researchers and businesses access HPC services. Our goal is to provide them with advanced infrastructure, knowledge and capabilities that will enable them to work at the forefront of innovation and generate positive social and economic impact.  Arctur believes that Slovenia requires a powerful HPC center to take advantage of the expertise within the region and enable Slovenia to attract experts from abroad.  “In the cross-border area, we possess all the requirements to build such a center,” says Tomi Ilijaš.  “There is a critical mass of knowledge, we have the experience, ambitions as well as a b group of partners from Italy and Slovenia. All that is lacking is the support from local, national and European stakeholders, which we are hopeful that such a promising project will receive .” This is why we have plans to develop a cross-border competence center in the field of HPC which, along with offering vast computational capabilities and exceptional energetic efficiency, will provide a wide range of services ranging from mathematical modelling to parallelization and code optimization as well as database services.

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