Arctur on SEMSA 2009 Conferrence in Colombo, Sri Lanka

10. 3. 2009 / eHealth, GOV & NGOs, Heritage, Industry, Tourism

On 27th and 28th of February, South Europe Meets South Asia (SEMSA 2009) conferrence and match-making event took place in Colombo, a capital city of Sri Lanka.  The main objective of two-days technological & business matchmaking event focused on IT & IT enabled services was to promote technological & business collaborations between South Asia and South Europe by facilitating one to one business meetings between South Asian SMEs from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal and South European SMEs from Greece, Italy, Slovenia and Spain. Invited by Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia, Arctur had meetings with over 30 South Asian business representatives. Mr. Tomi Ilijaš, Arcturs CEO, presented companies' most interesting export-oriented products, namely 4PM and UCC solutions.


We would like to thank Mr. Sanath Ukwatte, a Honorary Consul of Republic of Slovenia to Sri Lanka for his most valuable help and support during the conferrence, and for his hospitality in a luxurious Mount Lavinia hotel.