Arctur Team together with Amazing AoE project partners proceeds with project activities to support more sustainable tourism development in the AoE destination

26. 5. 2022 / Tourism In May Amazing Amazon of Europe (AoE) project partners held the Steering Committee Meeting to do the review and discuss future project activities and to test some outdoor tourism activities, such is AoE Bike Trail, the flagship product of the Amazing AoE destination.

In the morning hours of 24th and 25th May, Hrvoje Ratkajec, Arctur´s Amazing AoE project manager joined the Steering Committee Meeting. Project partners gathered with the aim to review the past and update the upcoming project activities. In the afternoon, different outdoor tourism activities were planned. On the 24.5., project partners tested a part of the AoE Bike Trail around Mohacs, went canoeing on the Danube river and had a guided tour around the famous Villány wine region. Next day project partners visited the local Busó Court which holds valuable heritage artefacts about the Busó tradition in the area. 


Arctur´s project manager Katarina Ceglar also tested the AoE Bike Trail and cycled the route from Sombor in Serbia to Mohacs in Hungary and then to Osijek in Croatia. Her impressions were very positive and she reported: "I believe that this is one of the best EU projects and that with a product like this, the Amazing AoE destination will for sure become more interesting for tourists." She particularly praised the pristine nature in this cross-border area while noticing the potential for improvements in the presentation of cultural heritage.


About the project

Project Amazing AoE aims to enhance sustainable economic growth and tourism development based on distinctive natural and cultural heritage, which will result in collaboration network of key actors and enabling environment for high-quality tourism, responding to limited resources of ecosystems. Amazing AoE will bring sustainable development opportunities for managing diversity of natural and cultural heritage and resources in AoE from local to transnational level, while enabling unique experiences for international visitors. More information is available here.