Arctur won silver among information technology companies

9. 10. 2017 / eHealth, GOV & NGOs, Heritage, Industry, Tourism Časnik Finance company & the magazine Manager awarded Arctur Silver among the Top 50 information technology companies in Slovenia.

The award is the result of the b increase in revenue generated by the development of the High Performance Computing infrastructure in autumn 2016 together with the Chinese partner Sugon. The CEO Tomi Ilijaš explaines that the company business goes in cicles: research-development-sales. In 2017, new research and development projects were launched in the company, and several innovations and patents were prepared for entry into the market, which had been lying in the drawer for a long time. By moving to new premises, they finally established their own incubator. The year of sowing will be followed by harvest.

Magazine Manager, 29 September 2017