Re-Thinking tourism

27. 9. 2022 / Tourism Today we celebrate World Tourism Day. For Arctur, this year´s slogan “Re-Thinking tourism” is not a once-in-a-year occasion – it is how we do things.

This year's World Tourism Day theme is "Re-think tourism” and Arctur is definately a synonym for it.

In the past years, we’ve initiated and successfully led several projects and programmes, introducing state-of-the-art technologies and R&D spirit to tourism and related sectors.

  • We’ve been pioneering with Tourism 4.0 partnership and reimaging what tourism is and for whom (local communities!) it should work.

  • We’ve been developing new tools to better plan, develop, manage and asses tourism impact at the local, national and international levels!​

  • We’ve been developing websites, applications and platforms for both prominent and developing Slovenian tourism destinations and tourism providers, from hotels to outdoor experiences.

  • We’ve worked on a handful of “digital innovation of cultural heritage” projects, 3D digitising Slovenian heritage and turning it into tourism products and novel narratives.


  • We’ve trained, educated and shared our experiences with digital technologies for tourism through several workshops, trainings and projects. We’ve worked with local communities and authorities for a different tourism.

For us, “Re-Thinking tourism” is not a once-in-a-year occasion – it is how we do things! Learn more about our projects and get inspired