Competitive call for HPC-Cloud-based Application Experiments for the FORTISSIMO project

19. 11. 2013 / Industry The Fortissimo project (FP7 contract 609029) is funding a set of experiments (sub-projects) to drive the creation and demonstrate the business potential of an HPC-Cloud service ecosystem. Additional application experiments are sought to investigate and demonstrate engineering and manufacturing simulation services in the Fortissimo HPC-Cloud. Call closure: January 2nd 2014 at 17h00, Brussels local time.

The Fortissimo project (FP7 contract 609029) is funding a set of experiments (sub-projects) to drive the creation and demonstrate the business potential of an HPC-Cloud service ecosystem. Additional application experiments are sought to investigate and demonstrate engineering and manufacturing simulation services in the Fortissimo HPC-Cloud.Call closure: January 2nd 2014 at 17h00, Brussels local time.

The Fortissimo project (FP7 contract 609029) is funding a set of experiments (sub-projects) to drive the creation and demonstrate the business potential of an HPC-Cloud service ecosystem. Additional application experiments are sought to investigate and demonstrate engineering and manufacturing simulation services in the Fortissimo HPC-Cloud.

About Fortissimo

The principal objective of Fortissimo is to enable European manufacturing, particularly SMEs, to benefit from the efficiency and competitive advantage inherent in the use of simulation. This will be achieved through the provision of simulation services running on an HPC-based cloud infrastructure. Fortissimo will make advanced simulation accessible to industrial users, particularly SMEs, through the realisation of a "one-stop shop" where hardware, expertise, applications, visualisation and tools will be easily available and affordable on a pay-per-use basis.

Expectations for the new experiments

Fortissimo seeks new application experiments providing business relevant investigations and demonstrations of engineering and manufacturing simulation services in the Fortissimo HPC Cloud. Priority will be given to proposals for experiments which complement the activities already included within Fortissimo and which address the needs of engineering and manufacturing SMEs. Proposed experiments should include all participants necessary for the experiment, which may include HPC experts, HPC Centres or ISVs already included within the Fortissimo consortium Experiments will employ the Fortissimo HPC infrastructure using the HPC Centres already involved in the project.

Call closure: January 2nd 2014 at 17h00, Brussels local time.

Foreseen budget: Total of 5M Euro funding; the funding for individual experiments is not expected to exceed 250K Euro.

Call for Proposals

Submission Form


