First Tourism 4.0 Living Lab and innovative solutions for Tourism 4.0

6. 7. 2020 / Tourism Tourism 4.0 Demo Pilot project with a total value of EUR 10.7 million is co-founded by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, the Republic of Slovenia. The consortium is built by the most prominent Slovene tourist corporations ahead with the Tourism and Hospitality Chamber of Slovenia and numerous technology providers. Many innovative solutions and the first Tourism 4.0 Living Lab are planned within the project led by Arctur.

The innovative business ecosystem Tourism 4.0 is a unique solution in the field of sustainable tourism. It is based on the Collaboration platform T4.0 developed in the Tourism 4.0 TRL 3-6 research project that will enable all stakeholders of the tourism ecosystem to cooperate with the help of key enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 and support co-creation of enriched tourism experiences. The platform will encourage interactions between tourism stakeholders. This will be achieved through the following activities:

  1. Developing of Collaboration platform T4.0 Core and integral technology pillars of T4.0 ecosystem (Tourism Impact Model - TIM, T4.0 Flows, Collaboration Impact Token - CIT, personal digital tourism ID - DOTI);
  2. Establishing interoperability with applications of project partners and from third parties;
  3. Setting up a unique demonstration environment - Tourism 4.0 Living Lab Slovenia.

Within the project, tourist providers will develop their applications and integrate them with the Collaboration platform. For this purpose, Tourism 4.0 Core will integrate all applications with the platform.

The Tourism 4.0 Living Lab will be established to validate the technology solutions and business models and to enable training for tourism staff and gather feedback from guests, who will have the chance to be the first ones to explore enriched Tourism 4.0 experiences.

Arctur, as a lead partner, is coordinating work with project partners Postojnska jama d.d., Hit d.d., GEN-I d.o.o., Thermana d.d., Gorenje Gostinstvo d.o.o., Lucis d.o.o., Ascalab d.o.o., Span d.o.o., Vitasis d.o.o., Bavarski stolp d.o.o., Golte d.o.o., Parsek d.o.o. and Turistično gostinska zbornica Slovenije are led by Arctur d.o.o.

The project started in October 2019 and will end in March 2022.

Find more information about the project here.