Fortissimo Open Call for Proposals is Open!

23. 9. 2016 / Industry We welcome partners to collaborate in a joint preparation of proposals for the The Fortissimo 2 call for proposals (CfP). The call targets the augmentation of the application experiments currently being carried out within Fortissimo and Fortissimo 2 focusing on modelling and simulation of coupled physical processes and high-performance data analytics (HPDA) and in all cases targeting benefits for engineering and manufacturing SMEs and Mid-caps.

Fortissimo 2 is funded under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation through the Factories of the Future Call for Proposals addressing the Topic “ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs 1(I4MS)” (topic identifier: FoF- 09-2015). Fortissimo 2 is an Innovation Action that builds on the Fortissimo project (funded under the Seventh Framework Programme) and contributes to the following technology area as expressed in the Call work programme: HPC Cloud-based modelling, simulation and analytics services for modelling multiple interconnected phenomena; for integrating multiple tools across the process chain; for exploiting the dynamic availability of "big data"; for integrating novel mobile interfaces for data management and decision support; for achieving real-time response (application experiments), and addressing comprehensively security and privacy issues at all levels.


Submission details: Detailed instructions for proposal submission, together with information about the evaluation criteria to be applied, are provided online.

Deadline for submission: Submission will be exclusively in electronic form and all submissions must be made by 17:00 Brussels local time, 7th December, 2016.

Expectations for new experiments

Fortissimo 2 Call-2 targets the augmentation of the current set of application experiments. The expectations for the proposed experiments are that they should:

  • be complementary to those already included in Fortissimo 2 and, of course, to those from the original Fortissimo project,
  • contain all those actors in the value chain necessary for the realisation of services meeting the end-users engineering and manufacturing needs, and
  • use the (distributed) HPC resources already offered within the Fortissimo infrastructure to solve real world problems involving high performance data analytics or coupled simulation of physical phenomena.

Webinar: Don't miss the chance to gain more insight into this open call. Learn how to participate in this project and how to benefit from it. Register now.