Fundamental research at Arctur

1. 2. 2011 / eHealth, GOV & NGOs, Heritage, Industry, Tourism

The autumn Call of Slovenian Technology Agency for co-financing of post-graduate research and study for researchers from industry was a very successful one for Arctur, who obtained co-financing for allthree PhD candidates currently working for the company. Three young researchers will conductfundamental research during next three and half years, culminating in their PhD theses. The research in the fileds of programming processes parallelization for high performance computing, and advanved mathematical modelling in statistics will be carried on in the Arctur's own R&D department, and partially trough the collaboration with research establishments at Jožef Stefan Instuitute, and Institute for Physical Biology. The fundamental research efforts are part of Arctur's long-term strategy and vision of becoming an important provider of servicer in the realm of high performance computing. The company strives to offer its partners a spectra of services connecting high performance computing with different vertical scientific and technological niches, such as astrophysics, biotechnology, new materials research, pharmacy, etc.