Gold Award for Innovation 2012 for 4PM Document system

14. 6. 2013 / eHealth, GOV & NGOs, Heritage, Industry, Tourism 4PM document management system has been awarded Gold Award for Innovation 2012 – annual prize for best innovators presented by the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce – Regional Chamber of Northern Primorska.

Prizes were presented to 11 companies by Ms Tanja Fajon, MEP, and Milos Sturm, President of the Regional Chamber of Commerce.

4PM document management system is a web application for managing, storing and sharing documents. 4PM DMS can be used independently or as part of the application for project management 4PM. 4PM is the central online point of access for project team members for every day work with documents and it is a safe place to store documents and valuable project information. This makes 4PM effective collaborativeplatform that supports teamwork, communication and coordination in everyday work with documents and project implementation. The usefulness, safety, reliability and user friendliness have already convinced many users, including a number of successful research and development project group on the global level. Golden award for innovation for 4PM document management system

The award ceremony: part of 4PM a team, Ms Tanja Fajon, MEP, and Mr Milos Sturm, President of the Regional Chamber of Commerce.