Good bye dear friend

22. 9. 2017 / eHealth, GOV & NGOs, Heritage, Industry, Tourism After 6 years of operation we have shut down Arctur-1. It has been a fun time and we have learned a lot from daily work with such a machine.

It was August 2011 when we put into operation our first supercomputer Arctur-1. It was an unprecedented event especially on the Slovenian IT scene. For a small company from Nova Gorica it was a big challenge that we faced head on, like we always do at Arctur.

From then till now we have learnt a lot on the way such machines are run and how to offer HPC services to SMEs. We have tackled power outages, cooling system failures, storage catastrophes, recovery procedures and many small mishaps, but through all of this Arctur-1 stood stubborn and proud and continued to operate as intended.

Together we have done a lot of good. We have simulated airplanes and ships, we have forecasted climate changes and genome mutations, analysed pharmaceuticals and optimized hydroelectric power plants, we simulated fire and floods, we serviced high level customers and educated young scientist...

Yesterday the last node of Arctur-1 was shut down forever. This marks the end of an era at Arctur and the beginning of a new one.

Good bye old friend, you will be missed!