HPC campus school 2014

22. 7. 2014 / eHealth, GOV & NGOs, Heritage, Industry, Tourism The faculty of mechanical engineering and the Faculty of information studies have organized the summer HPC school under the PRACE initiative. Arctur also contributed a lecture, presenting hands-on knowledge of HPC usage.

The lectures were held in two parallel locations, at the Faculty of mechanical engineering in Ljubljana and at the faculty of information studies in Novo Mesto. The hands-on sessions used the HPCFS supercomputer that was accessed from both locations; just the "instructors" were different. Amongst the lecturers there were also experts from different fields that held their talks either in person or via teleconference. Different interesting HPC applications were presented; for example different co-processing architectures like GPGPUs and simulations from different fields and various parallelization methods. Arctur also presented various HPC tools that enable easier use of complex HPC systems for the industrial users. So the HPC Puppet cluster management tool was presented as well as the alternative to MPI programming called PGAS - Partitioned Global Address Space.

An even higher level of HPC usage in industry was shown by the CEO of Arctur Mr. Ilijaš. He presented the achievements of the projects Fortissimo and CloudFlow under the I4MS initiative.

The campus HPC school aims at presenting the possibilities and ease of usage of supercomputing through actual use cases. By implementing and examining use cases the attendees were familiarized with the Linux operating system and various programming languages and parallelization methods.

The HPC school and all the presentations from the lectures are available at the official webpage:http://hpc.fs.uni-lj.si/cs14