Interreg project ISE-EMH was successfully completed!

4. 7. 2022 / eHealth The main output of the project was INSIEME Platform, where users can get online information and support in the field of electronic and mobile health (EMH).

The Interreg ISE EMH project was designed to improve and expand the mobile e-health ecosystem and encourage further cooperation between different stakeholders in the Italian and Slovenian regions.

The main output of the project was INSIEME Platform, where users can get online information and support in the field of electronic and mobile health (EMH). Arctur was the lead partner and supported the technical development of the platform. At this opportunity we would like to thank to all project partners for great collaboration.

6 partners collaborated in the project:

  • Arctur, Institut “Jožef Stefan”and Robotina from Slovenia;
  • Polo Tecnologico di Pordenone SCPA, Instituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico materno infantile Burlo Garofolo di Trieste and Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia from Italy. 

Read the articles (in Slovene language only)

Visit the INSIEME Platform and find the information you are searching for.  

Learn more about the project here.