Launch event of DIVA project

11. 7. 2019 / eHealth, GOV & NGOs, Heritage, Industry, Tourism The lead partner of the DIVA project, Camera di Commercio Venezia Rovigo, in cooperation with Regione del Veneto, organized the Launch event of the project in Mestre on 9 July.

The lead partner of the DIVA project, Camera di Commercio Venezia Rovigo, in cooperation with Regione del Veneto, organized the Launch event of the project in Mestre on 9 July. Participants of the event were acquainted with various programs and projects through which each region promotes and supports the development of creative industries. Eight companies and organizations from Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, and Slovenia, active in the field of creative industries and contemporary investigative arts, presented their experiences and activities.

The afternoon part of the meeting was reserved for the meeting of the project partnership, where work so far has been reviewed, and the details of the next steps were discussed.  The project is already in full swing. In addition to various communication activities, stakeholder mapping activities are underway (WP3.1), and a work package 3.2 is commencing, in which a collaborative methodology will be developed and regional DIVA hubs will be established.