Opening of JointLab, EXAPARTY and PRACE Days

1. 6. 2018 / Industry An exciting week in Ljubljana for Arctur!

A grand opening of joint Slovene-Chinese virtual lab for high performance computing took place on Monday at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science. It symbolically started the cooperation of a long term cooperation between Slovene and Chinese scientists in the field of supercomputing as well as the companies of Sugon and Arctur. 


But the day had another highlight. In the evening distinguished guests from all over the world gathered at the atrium of Slovene Academy of Sciences at the big EXASCALE Party hosted by Arctur and Sugon.


(From left) Boris Koprivnikar, Vice Premier of the Republic of Slovenia, Mark Parsons, Executive Director at EPCC, University of Edinburgh, Martin Mössler, CEO of Science Park and ESA BIC Graz, Urška Starc-Peceny and Tomi Ilijaš, both Arctur.


(From left)  Mirjana Kljajič Borštnar, University of Maribor, Tomi Ilijaš, Arctur, Simon Wong, ICHEC Ireland, Martina Murovec, Arctur.


Amanda Ying Guo, Vice President of Sugon, greeting guests


Tuesday started PRACE Days - the European HPC Summit Week 2018, where Tomi Ilijaš moderated the Industrial panel with representatives from different companies and also Dr. Guangming Tan, professor at Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In the evening he was starring together with Mark Parsons, Executive Director at EPCC, University of Edinburgh in the news of the first national TV channel.


Among many meetings with experts from HPC world, Tomi Ilijaš also hold on Thursday the keynote speech talking about HPC as an opportunity for innovative SMEs.