Review of I4MS projects

29. 9. 2015 / Industry From the 21st to the 25th of September the Mid-term review of the »Cloud« I4MS projects took place at the Brunel University in London.

From the 21st to the 25th of September the Mid-term review of the »Cloud« I4MS projects took place at the Brunel University in London. During the I4MS event on Wednesday, Arctur successfully presented the next generation of CloudFlow portal which will enable easier and cheaper usage of CAE tools in the Cloud.

Three projects of the I4MS initiative: Fortissimo, CloudFlow and CloudSME are representing the core of research and development in the field of innovative ICT for small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises (SMEs). These SMEs very likely cannot afford to buy very expensive HPC infrastructure and Software, but a rental on the basis of the pay-as-you-go pricing model are well within their reach. Arctur is the core partner of both Fortissimo and CloudFlow and on the latter Arctur is also leading the development of the Portal that will enable a user friendly submission and management of workflow on a Cloud HPC infrastructure. This workflows can include everything from 3D CAD design to complex computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and product lifecycle management databases (PLM). The end user development engineers will be able to choose amongst a wide variety of different service packages and purchase them as in any ordinary web shop.

The development team is composed by specialists from Arctur, Fraunhofer (D), Sintef (NO) and DFKI (D) and will continue to evolve the portal until the end of 2016 when the public launch is planned.