University of Rijeka Adopts 4PM to Enhance Search for European Funds

18. 4. 2012 / eHealth, GOV & NGOs, Heritage, Industry, Tourism The University of Rijeka and Arctur signed an agreement for cooperation in the field of IT support for project management with the use of 4PM. The agreement was signed by the Rector of the University of Rijeka, Dr. sc. Pero Lučin and the director of Arctur, Mr. Tomi Ilijaš.

Establishment of the cooperation in the field of informatics support for project management between the University of Rijeka and Arctur, a leading Slovenian developer or advanced IT solutions, is an important contribution to the transfer of knowledge and experiences for applying to and carrying out European projects. It signifies the start of cross-border cooperation between an academic institution on one side of the border and private business on the other, in light of the imminent entry of Croatia into the European Union. The paradigm of co-financing R&D through projects instead of through fixed national funding will become even more relevant with the entry into the EU, which is why knowledge regarding reparation, management and reporting of projects is imperative for successful organizations (institutions) and businesses.

The University of Rijeka has decided to take advantage of Slovenia’s years of experience in drawing EU funds and joined forces with a leading provider of IT support for project management, the Slovenian company Arctur from Nova Gorica, whose software 4PM is currently being used by over 10.000 users in several European countries to manage over 100 million Euros worth of projects. Through Gajger d.o.o, their distribution partner for Croatia, 4PM is now available to Croatian users in their native language.

4PM, a web-based application for managing projects, provides a systematic approach to management of co-financed projects, facilitates drawing of European funds, ensure organized and archived project documentation as well as transparent and monitored use of financial resources. With the information support provided by 4PM, the University of Rijeka and other institutions can significantly reduce the risk of improper management and administration of projects and, consequently, the need to return ineligible costs.

The universality of 4PM ensures that it is also applicable for R&D projects, scientific and industrial sectors, public entities and other organizations. Thousands of users in Slovenia and across Europe can attest to the effectiveness of 4PM in reducing administration, improving project management and coordinating transnational project consortia.