4PM new features in vesion 2.6 at 4PM User forum

19. 12. 2014 / eHealth, GOV & NGOs, Heritage, Industry, Tourism 4PM team presented new 2.6. Version at first 4PM User Forum. 4PM users could exchange experiences and network.

Renewed and redesigned form for work reporting

The work reporting form has a modern, user-friendly format, less clicks, and better performance. In a single form, users can perform various functions: work reporting on task progress and hours done, notify colleagues by e-mail, exchange documents, and collaborate or report on task status change.

Renewed and redesigned forms for tasks, milestones, meetings and phases

Project planning and task planning is simple: many new shortcuts are included. New team members can be added directly to tasks. Sharing comments and documents is transparent and easily traceable. Structured and organized communication further improves teamwork and collaboration. The form includes all important features that you need to work with tasks: from planning and management of basic information, exchange of comments and documents, hours reporting to task status management (new, done, concluded) and final evaluation.

Drag and drop for project and task planning

Sometimes a project is changed and you need to make adjustments and reorganize project plan. You can drag any and drop tasks, milestones to any other phase within the project. Project planning facilitates monitoring of project plan changes and project implementation.

Floating forms

All forms are floating and you can see what is behind. Just drag the form to any place you wish.

Notification settings

Users can set default personal settings for automatic e-mail notifications from 4PM.

4PM team wishes to thank our partner, the company Xlab for the use of their premises and all support for successful 4PM user forum and hosting the forum with ISL Groop - online meetings and webinars application.