Competitive call for HPC-Cloud-based Application Experiments for the FORTISSIMO 2 project

18. 2. 2016 / Industry The Fortissimo 2 project (Horizon 2020 contract 680481) is funding a set of experiments (sub-projects) to extend and demonstrate the business potential of an ecosystem for HPC-Cloud services, specifically for applications involving simulation of coupled physical processes or high-performance data analytics. Additional application experiments are sought to complement and to extend current project activities; these new experiments must be driven by the business needs of engineering and manufacturing SMEs and mid-caps.

About Fortissimo 2 The core objective of Fortissimo 2 is to promote the uptake of advanced modelling, simulation and data-analytics technologies by European SMEs in the manufacturing sector. Using application experiments derived from actual business scenarios those technologies can be adopted by SMEs and mid-caps and then potentially be integrated into and offered as services in the Fortissimo Marketplace. The development of the Fortissimo Marketplace started during the original Fortissimo project; its function as a “one-stop pay-per-use shop” will be extended in Fortissimo 2, in particular in response to the needs of the services and technologies developed within the experiments of Fortissimo 2. Using the Fortissimo HPC Cloud and Marketplace, SMEs and mid-caps have the possibility to profit from the know-how of HPC and software experts and to get easy access to hardware and software tools.

Expectations for the new experiments  The new application experiments should provide business-relevant investigations and demonstrations of high-performance data analytics or of modelling and simulation of coupled phenomena in the Fortissimo HPC Cloud that deliver business benefits for manufacturing and engineering SMEs and mid-caps. Priority will be given to proposals for experiments which:  a. are driven by the requirements of first-time HPC users and, by implication, organisations engaging in Fortissimo for the first time;  b. complement the activities already included within Fortissimo and Fortissimo 2.  In this context, complementarity is understood to mean activities that address new applications, business cases, industrial sectors and market segments and which facilitate an enhanced demonstration of the impact of the Fortissimo approach for a broad set of industrial users. Fortissimo 2 experiments should also consider how they can develop services, deployed in the Fortissimo marketplace, which can subsequently be used by other end-users. Proposed experiments should include all the necessary participants, which may include HPC and Big Data experts, HPC Centres or ISVs either already included within or external to the Fortissimo 2 consortium. Experiments will employ the Fortissimo HPC infrastructure using the HPC Centres already involved in the project.

Call Details  Call closure: 18th May 2016, at 17:00 Brussels local time  Indicative budget for the Call: The indicative funding budget for Third Parties (i.e. organisations not already members of the Fortissimo 2 consortium) is € 1.31 M. The funding for an individual experiment may not exceed € 250 K (covering all participants, i.e. both 3rd Parties and existing Fortissimo 2 beneficiaries). Details are provided in the call documentation available via the URL below.  Further information: