
12. 12. 2018 / Industry ... is a European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications. The Centre is an initiative of several European High Performance Computing Centres.

We teamed up to support several key engineering industries in Europe in dealing with complex applications using HPC technologies. We conduct research, provide leadership, guidance on good practice, user support mechanisms as well as training and networking activities to our community. Our goal is to help Europe leverage scientific progress in HPC driven engineering and address current economic and societal challenges.


The setup of EXCELLERAT complements the current activities of each HPC centre involved and enables the development of next-generation engineering applications. The aim of EXCELLERAT is to support the engineering community at a level that no single HPC provider can.

Our vision for the Centre is summarised in the following objectives:

  • Provide the HPC and engineering community with easy access to relevant services and knowledge
  • Provide the HPC and engineering community with access to niche expertise in applications development and offered hardware
  • Support the community with targeted training and networking activities
  • Integrate EXCELLERAT users in the evolution of the Centre
  • Strengthen European competitiveness in the domain of HPC driven engineering through excellent research in the areas of developing, scaling and optimising applications
  • Apply innovative engineering solutions enabled by HPC technologies to real world problems
  • Facilitate technology transfer from academia to industry in order to enable the latter deliver better, innovative solutions with reduced time to market