FoodE goes online!

3. 6. 2020 / Industry The FoodE webpage was officially released! In collaboration with FoodE partners, the official FoodE webpage was designed and developed. Follow FoodE project on the website, and on FoodE social media accounts under the hashtag #ThinkGlobalEatLocal!

The FoodE webpage was officially released!In collaboration with FoodE partners, the official FoodE webpage was designed and developed. Follow FoodE project on the website, and on FoodE social media accounts under the hashtag #ThinkGlobalEatLocal!

The FoodE webpage was officially released!

In collaboration with FoodE partners, the official FoodE webpage was designed and developed. On the webpage, visitors can find all information about FoodE project, they can explore pilot projects, which are located in 12 European cities, and can be informed about all events, which will be held by FoodE partners. Through project lifetime, different stakeholders (schools, children and students, citizens, policymakers and researchers, entrepreneurs and food producers) will be provided by different publications and useful information. 

Curious to know more about FoodE? Visit our website! 


FoodE launched social media accounts under the hashtag #ThinkGlobalEatLocal!

As FoodE would like to disseminate its content to various stakeholders groups, several social media channels were launched. 

You can find FoodE posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and ResearchGate. Interesting and engaging FoodE videos will be upload on Youtube

What content can you expect from the FoodE social media channels? Fascinating stories about local food initiatives across Europe, regular developments from FoodE pilot projects, and, of course, plenty of arguments of why sustainable local food systems are important. 

We will regularly update you on news and events related to sustainable food, and project developments through these channels. Stay tunned!