Tourism 4.0 success story enthused Expo 2020 visitors

15. 12. 2021 / Tourism Arctur is presenting its activities these days at EXPO 2020 in Dubai, where events in the field of digitalization and artificial intelligence are taking place.

Yesterday, Tomi Ilijaš, CEO and dr. Urška Starc Peceny, Director of Innovation and Head of Tourism4.0 at Arctur, presented the Success Story of Tourism 4.0, which uses state-of-the-art technologies in the development of sustainable tourism, which puts the quality of life at the heart of the local population and builds an entire ecosystem. Furthermore, Arctur Team also supported ultramarathon swimmer Martin Strel - Official Page to raise awareness on the importance of clean waters. More about Arctur´s activities in Dubai could be found in the press release.

SI: Izjava za medije.pdf   

EN: Press release.pdf