3D animation of a sandblasting machines - STEM

3D animation of a large and complex sandblasting machines.

Project title Stem d.o.o.

Use Case

Showing how big sandblasting machines work is can be tricky. These machines are complicated, and we needed a solution that could not only break down the technical details but also make sense to everyone – from experts in the industry to new clients checking out sandblasting for the first time.
3D animated solution was essential to showcase their sandblasting machines seamlessly at events and within compelling marketing narratives. This approach aimed to not just highlight technical capabilities but also create experience, resonating powerfully across diverse platforms and audiences.

To tackle this challenge, we designed a comprehensive solution centered around the development of a complex 3D animation. Our primary goal was to simplify the sandblasting process, making it easily understandable for a wide audience. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, we crafted a visual narrative that unfolded the entire process with remarkable clarity.
This approach allowed us to provide our client with a versatile tool that could be effectively used across various platforms, from presentations and exhibitions to digital and print materials.
Our 3D animation creates a compelling narrative that emphasizes important information their clients are looking for and serves as a dynamic asset for our client's marketing efforts.